Selecting a plan that gives you more time or mileage than needed can cost you a lot of extra money that you didn't have to spend to get the protection you really need. Most customers gravitate towards the longest plans available. We get it! The desire to be covered for as long as possible is understandable. However, when you look at your past driving history, is it realistic to think that you will ever reach 175,000 miles in the number of years the coverage will be in effect? Take a close look at some other term options available to you.
Another costly mistake would be buying more years than you'll need. If you haven't kept a vehicle for more than 5 years over the past 20 years, are you really going to change now? Those last couple of years, while attractive, can be expensive.
The message here is to think it through before you buy. Don't pay for an extra day or an extra mile if you don't need to. Once your coverage expires by time or mileage, you won't get a refund for the time or miles that you didn't use. With Ford Protect, you are getting the best. That doesn't mean that you need the most. Some people may look at the price of the longest possible plan and decide that it's unaffordable for them, when the plan with the most suitable term may be well within their range. Don't go unprotected for the wrong reasons.