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Home / Warranty Coverage On Remotes
November 6, 2023 | by: Support

Why Did My Remote Stop Working?

A key fob can malfunction and eventually cease to function for several reasons. Damage, age, and battery life issues are the most common causes. Damage to the system due to dropping it or getting it wet is a popular reason for a key fob to stop working. Age-related issues such as dirt buildup or age-related electronic failure are also culprits. The most common source of problems is a dead or faulty battery. Key fob batteries typically last from 3 to 4 years, and can be easily replaced at home or at a Local Dealership. If a key fob stops working, checking the battery is the best first step.

Understanding Ford's Warranty Coverage

Ford offers a comprehensive warranty package for its vehicles, but unfortunately, key fobs are not covered under the basic vehicle warranties. However, there is a solution for those who want to protect their key fobs through the Ford Protect PremiumCARE Extended Service Plan.

Ford Protect PremiumCARE Extended Service Plan

The Ford Protect PremiumCARE Extended Service Plan offers an additional layer of protection for your vehicle, including optional coverage for key services. With this plan, you can have peace of mind knowing that lost, stolen, or destroyed keys and key fobs are covered.

Key Services Coverage

The Key Services option provided by Ford Protect PremiumCARE Extended Service Plan covers the cost of repairing or replacing keys and key fobs for vehicles covered under a valid Ford Protect Extended Service Plan Contract. This coverage includes labor charges, programming, registration, and taxes associated with replacing the key fob. When purchasing Ford Protect on our site, you will be given the opportunity to add key services to your coverage.

Service Limits

It is important to note that the Key Services coverage has certain limits. All Key Services are limited to a maximum coverage of $500 per year for the duration of the Ford Protect Extended Service Plan Contract. This means that if the cost of replacing your key fob exceeds $500, you will be responsible for covering the remaining amount.

No Deductible for Key Services

One advantage of the Key Services coverage is that there is no deductible for key-related claims. However, if you have other claims to make at the same time as a key claim, your deductible for non-key claims will still apply.

Limitations and Exclusions

While the Key Services coverage provides valuable protection for your key fobs, it is essential to be aware of the limitations and exclusions. The coverage only applies to keys that have been lost, damaged, or stolen for the covered vehicle. Claims resulting from normal wear and tear or general maintenance to keys or key fobs are not covered. Additionally, requests for an extra set of keys are also not covered under this plan.

From the Author: Disclaimer


Disclaimer: The views expressed on this page are the views of the author. While many years of dealership experience may have gone into the content of this article, the policies and procedures at dealerships around the country may vary. The information is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal or professional advice. Please consult with your vehicle manufacturer and warranty provider for specific details regarding warranty coverage.

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